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Title no. 8

What did you do today to elevate your heart rate folks? I mean besides throttle your computer? Whatever you, me, all of us with the taken-for-granted ability to wiggle all of our appendages are doing by staring at our PowerTaps and putting in our miles to keep fit and reach our goals this season pales in comparison to the depth Chris digs day in and day out to get it done. My boy Klebl, the same kid who is responsible for getting me on a mountain bike in 92 and falling back in love with two wheels (Damn you Klebl. Damn you. I could be a happy fat drunk Irishman at this point), won his 8th national cross country ski title amongst throwing down in Europe. Read his blog here and next time you throw your leg over your carbon fiber, smile and get it done. Chris is.

Reader Comments (47)

My digital living room is your digital living room, Seth. Just take your shoes off and if you throw up on my Persian, I'm tossing you out.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

Don't say "throw-up", seth is weak, and even hearing the words makes him hurl.

Joey, do you get to boss around Koach at work? And there is no ride Sunday; I smoked some peyote at lunch and the gods told me it's going to snow.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterI am Brian

Somebody just told me there are certain races coming up in the spring that are lacking a Cat 1/2 Women category . . . including my team's race . . . is that a misprint?

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeth Rubin

Unfortunately no, it is not a misprint. I know for certain that the "Boulder Crit Series" affectionately known as Stazio has no Elite Women category.

I saw this morning that it's going to be mid-forties and semi decent. I must need a new psychic.

Oh well, it's not like missing one day is going to make me any more over-weight or out of shape than I already am.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoey

Wow, speaking of vomiting on Persian rugs . . . where's the equity in this situation?

I know from sitting in on a promoters' meeting back in the day that categories represented vs. hours in the day vs. revenue has been a long standing issue, but I would think given the fragile nature of permitting for events in our sport we would want to embrace as large a demographic as possible.

I guess this is what the ACA Forum is for, is that thing active?

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeth Rubin

Yeah, seriously, can't we get back to talking about Amy Winehouse and her new boyfriend, and leave the ACA stuff to that forum?

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterI am Brian

And now for something completely different...

Yes, I do get to push around Koach Kendall. I get a great amount of amusement out of it to be quite honest.

What is this about Amy's new boyfriend? I thought she was married to Prisoner 24601.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoey

The Amy Winehouse news pales in comparison to the bit about Gary Coleman getting married . . . huh, Utah, go figure.

A girl I went out with on a couple dates got into a car accident involving Gary Coleman when he live here, now that's a great story!

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeth Rubin

Forget Amy, she's so 10 minutes ago!

Let's talk about" REL="nofollow">Gary Coleman getting married! We need pictures of the wife!

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterI am Brian

...apparently Seth and I were on the same frequency...

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterI am Brian

That was spooky. I guess I'm really out of the loop with this stuff. I need to start watching my entertainment news more often.

I'm just excited the Writer's strike is over. Finally some fresh and entertaining Daily Shows and Colbert Reports.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoey

That is spooky, very spooky, all the way around.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeth Rubin

Further evidence coming out on my prediction that Astana is this year's Unibet...

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterI am Brian


I am so glad the writer's strike is over, now I might get some decent content for my blog AND have something worthwhile to watch while on the trainer for the rest of the winter.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeth Rubin

Oh Puh-lease (in a Dr. Cox voice). That is so 6 hours ago. I kinda feel for them though. Not the current team's falt that everything was so messed up before.

Seth, I maintain that the trainer is bad for you. Stop riding it immediately and join me for an easy ride around the park.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoey

Can't we talk about something wholesome like baseball?

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeth Rubin

Oh, sorry. I mis-remembered that exchange with the drug dealer. I don't know what I'm talking about.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoey

Come on Joey... are you STILL watching Scrubs? Put down the remote and lets go get a beer.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterI am Brian

Another day of "work" is coming to a close. A hearty thank you to Greg for hosting and not booting us out upon discovering us mid-day, lounging casually in his home.

Greg if you get inspired between now and tomorrow morning, pick one of your favorite blogs for our next stop. There is perceived safety in showing up with references!

Keep up the good blogging work. Brian and I are the ones with the Miller Highlife grill at the cross races. There's always a cold beverage reserved with your name on it.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeth Rubin

Word. Thanks Greg! I hope Joey picked up after himself, sometimes he can be pretty messy.

See ya out there!

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterI am Brian

I am incredibly misty eyed. You will be leaving me and that will make me...sad. You kept a clean living room and Seth didn't event throw up. That's class.

Ah, the grill. Man, do you realize that when I'm crossing it up, that smell of meat is so good, it causes me to lose focus. Damn you.

Come back and visit y'all. And tomorrow, when you visit Furious George, tell him I said, whaddup.

'Cross on.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

Sorry Greg,
They were in my hair all day yesterday, maybe we should talk to parks and rec and see if they can add a blog onto the Valmont project for these online kids to play in? Just a thought.

February 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCorey Carlson

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